Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 7

I don't miss television; this is not to say that I am not aware of it, or that sometimes I don't almost fall into the same patterns of wanting to plop down in front of it, kick my feet up, and be entertained by it.  It is say that I don't miss it.  There are no shows that I'm itching to catch up on, no knots in my tummy because this happens to be the time my favorite show is on, no wishing that August would hurry up and be over already so I can get past this personal undertaking.

I still haven't folded clothes or put them away.  I keep washing them, and we're forced to sift through clean bags for something to wear.  But I'm at the point where I don't associate clothes with TV anymore; truthfully we spent a large part of this weekend out of the house so it couldn't get done.  But I have a feeling that tomorrow when I finally tackle it, I'll get through it a lot quicker than I have during my TV-watching/folding  days.

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