Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 1

So, an August with no TV 2011 has begun; my very own self-test to see if TV really is a timesink. To be sure, I'm not the addict that I appear. I mostly watch television when I'm doing something else: emptying/loading dishwasher, folding clothes, doing girls' hair, mopping. However, as of late, folding clothes has become an all-day affair. After I'm done with a chore I'll stand around watching TV because I have to see the outcome of the program. While this may be a good thing, I've actually searched out work to do just so I can have an unfettered excuse to watch something! I've DVR'd way more programs than I care to admit.

What I've discovered so far is that that it's easy to substitute one vice for another. I have spent way more time surfing the net then I've intended. Hmmmm. (May just lead to a September with no Internet...)

In any event, it's almost 2:30 in the afternoon and I'm off to live the rest of the day TV and (mostly) internet free.


  1. Good, so you can cancel the cable service all together when the month is over? Why stop at one month!

  2. More power to you, Dolores! I can't say I can sympathize because for years we didn't even have a TV, and the small one we now have (it actually belongs to a friend) is off in a bedroom and we hardly ever watch. If you're not into the habit, you're just not into it. I often wonder how people find the time to watch TV.

  3. Annette, you could pen 'a lifetime of no TV.' Too bad my husband's on this thread, now he sees that as a possibility. lol
